Visitors have the option of hiring a self-drive vehicle or if travelling in a group, may consider hiring a bus with driver. For community members there is transport available for frail aged, disabled and disadvantaged residents through Valmar as listed below.
A range of cars, trucks and buses can be hired from Goulburn -
AVIS - 19 Goldsmith St Goulburn - (02) 4821 5566 or 13 63 33
HERTZ – 11 Bruce St Goulburn - (02) 4821 0288
There are a range of buses in various sizes that can be chartered for tours or group transport to events -
Pitt’s Bus Service – 0417 295 598
Kip Skelly Bus Service – (02) 4832 1178
Laverty’s Bus Service - (02) 4834 2157