21 September, 2021

Warmer weather signals the outdoors

The spring school holidays offer warmer weather and lengthening days and are great for getting out of the house.


With the Upper Lachlan now out of hard lockdown, families are free to explore their own backyard once again… a great way to get some sunshine and explore the district is to cast a line with the kids!


The Upper Lachlan Shire is home to the headwaters of the Lachlan and Wollondilly Rivers and is bordered by the Abercrombie River to the north.


This means there are literally hundreds of waterways spread across the region and many of them offer great fishing spots from Lake Wyangala in the north to Pejar Dam in the south, the Lachlan River to the west and Wollondilly to the east.


For more information, contact the Visitor Information Centre on 4832 1988.